How to Order the Book

Healing Relationships: A Christian's Manual for Lay Counseling

You should read the appropriate chapter for each section of the course, prior to the video lessons. In the course we will teach through Chapters 1-5, 7-8, and 13. Some test questions will come from the book and some from the lectures. The chapter tests will be open book.

To order directly from the publisher, Wipf & Stock, call 541-344-1528. As they are on Pacific Time, you will need to wait until they open for business. Any representative can handle the transaction. Tell the representative you are a student of Christian Chaplains & Coaching Online Academy and Jennifer Horning arranged a student discounted price of $12 for the book, "Healing Relationships: A Christian's Manual for Lay Counseling," by Grunlan and Lambridges. The publisher will charge for shipping.

If you prefer to receive the book faster at a slightly higher cost, consider ordering it directly from Amazon. For your convenience, here is a link to purchase it directly from Amazon. This route is faster and the cost includes shipping. Total cost is pretty close.

Healing Relationships Through Amazon

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